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 #   Notes   Linked to 
151 Composer friend of Hildegarde Lasell Watson Diamond, David (IDDIA)
152 Consort of German Emperor Frederick III Victoria, Victoria Adelaide Mary Louise (IVAML)
153 Cornell University librarian lived in Rome Fiske, Daniel Willard (IDWFI)
154 Courier-Interpreter who handled travel arrangements for the Watsons' trips 1891-1901 Zotti, C. Felix (IZOTT)
155 Cousin of HIram Sibley Sibley, Warren (IWSIB)
156 Cousin of Isaac Averell Rogerson, Elizabeth Buell (IEBAR)
157 cousin of Isaac Averell Averell, Fanny (IFAVE)
158 Cousin of James Sibley Watson Sr. Watson, Charles Alonzo (ICAWA)
159 Cousin of James Sibley Watson Sr. Watson, Austin Hall (IAHWA)
160 cousin of Ruth Gade Harper, Mary Hoe (IMHAR)
161 curate of St. Andrews parish during the tenure of Rev. Algernon Crapsey Rollings, Henry (IHROL)
162 Curator at MAG Schilling, Susan Eisenhart (ISESC)
163 Daughter of Adrian Devine and Charlotte Dodge Devine, Marie Adelaide (IMAD2)
164 daughter of Alexander Cook Durbin cousin of Margaret Durbin Harper Sibley Durbin, Clara A. (ICADU)
165 Daughter of Alexander McDonald McDonald, Tacie Belle (ITBHA)
166 Daughter of Algernon Sidney Crapsey important poet Crapsey, Adelaide (IACRA)
167 daughter of Caroline Clarke Allen Allen, Henrietta W. (IHWAL)
168 Daughter of Caroline Clarke Allen granddaughter of Freeman Clarke sister of Mrs. Buell P. Mills Allen, Mary P. (IMPAL)
169 Daughter of Elizabeth Conkey Sibley Sibley, Elizabeth (IESSA)
170 Daughter of Emily Sibley Watson's brother Hiram Watson Sibley and his wife Margaret Durbin Harper Sibley, Ruth Sibley was close in age to her cousin James G. Averell. Her husband, John Allyne Gade, was architect of the Memorial Art Gallery. Mrs. Gade was one of the early donors of art to the Gallery's collection. In 1912, Norwegian polar explorer Roald Amundson named a peak in the Queen Maud range on the South Pole in her honor, as a thank you for their support of his expedition. Sibley, Ruth (IRSGA)
171 Daughter of Fletcher Urling Harper & Tacie Belle Harper Harper, Tacie Belle (ITBH2)
172 daughter of George C. Hollister Hollister, Elizabeth Granger (IEGHO)
173 Daughter of George C. Hollister Blair, Elizabeth Hollister (IEHFB)
174 Daughter of George C. Hollister granddaughter of Thurlow Weed Spencer, Harriet Weed (IHWHS)
175 Daughter of George C. Hollister granddaughter of Thurlow Weed married artist Henry Emerson Tuttle Tuttle, Isabel Hollister (IIHET)
176 daughter of George J. Magee of Watkins Glen NY; married in 1895 Magee, Arabella Helen (IAHBO)
177 daughter of George J. Magee of Watkins Glen NY; married in 1899 Magee, Emma Marie (IEMWY)
178 daughter of Giles Moreau Tinker Tinker, Sarah Ann (ISTKE)
179 Daughter of Harper Sibley Gonzalez, Elizabeth Sibley (IESGO)
180 Daughter of Harriet Seymour Clark Clark, Marian Averell (IMACL)
181 daughter of Harriet Seymour Clark Clark, Edith Gilbert (IEGCL)
182 Daughter of Hildegarde Lasell Watson and James Sibley Watson Jr. sister to Michael Lasell Watson Quackenbush, Jeanne Watson (IJWQU)
183 Daughter of Hiram Watson Sibley and Margaret Durbin Harper Sibley Sibley, Louise (ILSI2)
184 daughter of Ira Late Otis President of the Chamber of Commerce in 1894 and Charlotte Raymond Otis; married Frank W. Emerson 2/6/1894 Emerson, Marion Otis (IMOEM)
185 daughter of Isaac Russell Elwood and Elizabeth Handy Gold Elwood abroad in Germany 1891 (married in 1890) Klipfel, Elizabeth Handy Elwood (IEHEK)
186 Daughter of Jeanne Iseult Watson and James T. Quackenbush Quackenbush, Jennifer (IJQUA)
187 daughter of Jeanne Iseult Watson and Walter Newbury Kernan Kernan, Wende Wood (IWWKE)
188 daughter of John Edward Tinker and Martha Adaline Townsend Tinker King, Mary Louise Tinker (IMLTK)
189 Daughter of Mark Sibley Sibley, Mary Hopkins (IMSGA)
190 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (IDEWA)
191 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (IBWAT)
192 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (IMLW3)
193 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (IAWMA)
194 daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Harper Sibley Sibley, Jane Harper (IJHSI)
195 Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Harper Sibley Sibley, Georgiana Farr (IGFSI)
196 Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Harper Sibley Sibley, Elizabeth (IESIB)
197 Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Harper Sibley Sibley, Anne Dunton (IADSI)
198 Daughter of Rev. James Hattrick Lee Lee, Frances (IFLEE)
199 Daughter of Ruth Sibley and John Gade Delafield, Margaret Gade (IMGD2)
200 daughter of Samuel Wilder Wilder, Cornelia (ICWIL)

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