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 #   Notes   Linked to 
101 Brother of Don Alonzo Watson Watson, Patrick J. (IPJWA)
102 Brother of Don Alonzo Watson Watson, Alamanzar (IAWAT)
103 Brother of Elizabeth Sibley Tinker, Chauncy Jackson (ICJTI)
104 Brother of Elizabeth Tinker Sibley Tinker, Richard Knight (IRKTI)
105 Brother of Elizabeth Tinker Sibley Tinker, Hiram Draper (IHDTI)
106 brother of Elizabeth Tinker Sibley Tinker, Giles Moreau (IGMTI)
107 Brother of Elizabeth Tinker Sibley Tinker, Daniel Madison (IDMTI)
108 brother of Elizabeth Tinker Sibley who died in childhood Tinker, Edward Richmond (IERTI)
109 Brother of George Folger Canfield Canfield, Albert Warren (IAWC2)
110 brother of Gilman Henry Hubble Perkins Perkins, Gilman Nichols (IGNPE)
111 Brother of Hiram Sibley Sibley, Samuel (ISSIB)
112 Brother of Hobart Ford Atkinson Atkinson, James Ford (IJFAT)
113 Brother of J.G. Averell's school friend George C. Beach Beach, Daniel Magee (IDMBE)
114 brother of Julie Seymour Clark; Ike's nephew Clark, Jr. George Crawford (IGCC2)
115 brother of Lois Whitney Whitney, James Warham (IJWWH)
116 brother of Mary Emeline Martindale Perkins Martindale, Harry S. (IHSMA)
117 brother of William H. Laverack Laverack, Howard C. (IHCLA)
118 Buffalo lawyer and politician Ganson, John H. (IJGAN)
119 Buffalo physician Russell, Dr. Nelson Gorham (INGRU)
120 businessman from North Adams Massachusetts also member of St. John's Church in North Adams Read, Charles H. (ICHRE)
121 Calgary rancher and polo player breeder of polo ponies; Middleton, Henry Rudolph (IHRMI)
122 California Judge Canfield, Robert Bage (IRBCA)
123 Canadian by birth, Dr. Dayfoot was a Rochester homeopathic physician. He took a course in analytical and pharmaceutical chemistry with Professor Lattimore at the University of Rochester. Over the course of his career, he was president of the Livingston County, Monroe County & New York State Homeopathic Medical Societies. After postgraduate specialization, he became a gynecologist at the Rochester Homeopathic Hospital.

In a memorial after his untimely death, he was referred to as a "physician con amore," who "believed in sunshine in the sick room and sunshine in the soul." In a 1/5/1893 letter to her daughter Elizabeth Sibley demonstrates this caring when she writes of Dr. Dayfoot having brought roses to a patient in the hospital on Christmas day. 
Dayfoot, Dr. Herbert M. (IHMDA)
124 Canadian yacht designer Duggan, George Herrick (IGHDU)
125 Canadian yachtsman who became Secretary of the Yacht Racing Union of the Great Lakes Burroughs, J.E. (IJEBU)
126 Canandaigua Judge Sibley, Mark Hopkins (IMHS2)
127 Captain of the Lasca & subsequent yachts owned by James Sibley Watson Sr. Sheldrake, Captain R. W. (IRWSH)
128 Captain of the USS Ticonderoga ca. 1866 Steadman, Captain Charles (ICSTE)
129 Catholic antipope Antipope Felix V (IFELV)
130 Catholic Pope Pope Gregory X (IGREX)
131 Catholic saint Clairvaux, St. Bernard of (IBERN)
132 Catholic saint Sales, St. Frances de (IFDSA)
133 Chair of UR Dept. of History Perkins, Dexter (IDPER)
134 champion polo player; son of John George Milburn of Buffalo Milburn, Devereux (IDMIL)
135 Charter member of the Dedham Polo Club Warren, Samuel D. (ISDWA)
136 Chief engineer of the United States-Russian Telegraph Expedition Bulkley, Charles S. (ICSBU)
137 Chief of the Siberian Division of Western Union Abasa, Serge (ISABA)
138 Childhood friend of Emily Sibley Watson and second wife of Rufus A. Sibley of the department store Sibley's Sibley, Elizabeth Conkey (IECSI)
139 classmate of J.G. Averell Harvard class of 1899. He was a member of the crew team a member of Alpha Delta Phi vice-President of the Hasty Pudding Club among others. McDuffie, Charles Henry (ICHMC)
140 co-author of an algebra textbook Knight, Samuel Ratcliffe (ISRKN)
141 co-author of an algebra textbook Hall, Henry Sinclair (IHSHA)
142 co-author of introductory Latin textbooks Greenough, James Bradstreet (IJBGR)
143 Co-founder of the Ellwanger & Barry Nursery Ellwanger, George (IGELL)
144 Co-partner in the Rochester department store Sibley Lindsay & Curr. Sibley, Rufus Adams (IRASI)
145 coachman in ESW's household per 1892 NY census Demoins, Jean (IJDEM)
146 coachman or stableman for the Watsons Yates, Walter (IWYA2)
147 Collaborated with Marius Barbeau, Alexander Gunn & James Sibley Watson on film Nass River Indians. Celebrated Canadian composer. Macmillan, Sir Ernest Alexander Campbell (IEACM)
148 Committed suicide after suffering from intense pain due to an eye injury from being hit in the eye with a golf ball.  Watson, Austin Hall (IAHWA)
149 Companion of Emily Sibley in Heidelberg in 1865 Müller, Minnie (IMMUL)
150 Companion of Emily Sibley in Heidelberg in 1865, probably a relative of Minnie Müller Müller, Mary (IMMU2)

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