Matches 101 to 150 of 738
# | Notes | Linked to |
101 | Brother of Don Alonzo Watson | Watson, Patrick J. (IPJWA)
102 | Brother of Don Alonzo Watson | Watson, Alamanzar (IAWAT)
103 | Brother of Elizabeth Sibley | Tinker, Chauncy Jackson (ICJTI)
104 | Brother of Elizabeth Tinker Sibley | Tinker, Richard Knight (IRKTI)
105 | Brother of Elizabeth Tinker Sibley | Tinker, Hiram Draper (IHDTI)
106 | brother of Elizabeth Tinker Sibley | Tinker, Giles Moreau (IGMTI)
107 | Brother of Elizabeth Tinker Sibley | Tinker, Daniel Madison (IDMTI)
108 | brother of Elizabeth Tinker Sibley who died in childhood | Tinker, Edward Richmond (IERTI)
109 | Brother of George Folger Canfield | Canfield, Albert Warren (IAWC2)
110 | brother of Gilman Henry Hubble Perkins | Perkins, Gilman Nichols (IGNPE)
111 | Brother of Hiram Sibley | Sibley, Samuel (ISSIB)
112 | Brother of Hobart Ford Atkinson | Atkinson, James Ford (IJFAT)
113 | Brother of J.G. Averell's school friend George C. Beach | Beach, Daniel Magee (IDMBE)
114 | brother of Julie Seymour Clark; Ike's nephew | Clark, Jr. George Crawford (IGCC2)
115 | brother of Lois Whitney | Whitney, James Warham (IJWWH)
116 | brother of Mary Emeline Martindale Perkins | Martindale, Harry S. (IHSMA)
117 | brother of William H. Laverack | Laverack, Howard C. (IHCLA)
118 | Buffalo lawyer and politician | Ganson, John H. (IJGAN)
119 | Buffalo physician | Russell, Dr. Nelson Gorham (INGRU)
120 | businessman from North Adams Massachusetts also member of St. John's Church in North Adams | Read, Charles H. (ICHRE)
121 | Calgary rancher and polo player breeder of polo ponies; | Middleton, Henry Rudolph (IHRMI)
122 | California Judge | Canfield, Robert Bage (IRBCA)
123 | Canadian by birth, Dr. Dayfoot was a Rochester homeopathic physician. He took a course in analytical and pharmaceutical chemistry with Professor Lattimore at the University of Rochester. Over the course of his career, he was president of the Livingston County, Monroe County & New York State Homeopathic Medical Societies. After postgraduate specialization, he became a gynecologist at the Rochester Homeopathic Hospital. In a memorial after his untimely death, he was referred to as a "physician con amore," who "believed in sunshine in the sick room and sunshine in the soul." In a 1/5/1893 letter to her daughter Elizabeth Sibley demonstrates this caring when she writes of Dr. Dayfoot having brought roses to a patient in the hospital on Christmas day. | Dayfoot, Dr. Herbert M. (IHMDA)
124 | Canadian yacht designer | Duggan, George Herrick (IGHDU)
125 | Canadian yachtsman who became Secretary of the Yacht Racing Union of the Great Lakes | Burroughs, J.E. (IJEBU)
126 | Canandaigua Judge | Sibley, Mark Hopkins (IMHS2)
127 | Captain of the Lasca & subsequent yachts owned by James Sibley Watson Sr. | Sheldrake, Captain R. W. (IRWSH)
128 | Captain of the USS Ticonderoga ca. 1866 | Steadman, Captain Charles (ICSTE)
129 | Catholic antipope | Antipope Felix V (IFELV)
130 | Catholic Pope | Pope Gregory X (IGREX)
131 | Catholic saint | Clairvaux, St. Bernard of (IBERN)
132 | Catholic saint | Sales, St. Frances de (IFDSA)
133 | Chair of UR Dept. of History | Perkins, Dexter (IDPER)
134 | champion polo player; son of John George Milburn of Buffalo | Milburn, Devereux (IDMIL)
135 | Charter member of the Dedham Polo Club | Warren, Samuel D. (ISDWA)
136 | Chief engineer of the United States-Russian Telegraph Expedition | Bulkley, Charles S. (ICSBU)
137 | Chief of the Siberian Division of Western Union | Abasa, Serge (ISABA)
138 | Childhood friend of Emily Sibley Watson and second wife of Rufus A. Sibley of the department store Sibley's | Sibley, Elizabeth Conkey (IECSI)
139 | classmate of J.G. Averell Harvard class of 1899. He was a member of the crew team a member of Alpha Delta Phi vice-President of the Hasty Pudding Club among others. | McDuffie, Charles Henry (ICHMC)
140 | co-author of an algebra textbook | Knight, Samuel Ratcliffe (ISRKN)
141 | co-author of an algebra textbook | Hall, Henry Sinclair (IHSHA)
142 | co-author of introductory Latin textbooks | Greenough, James Bradstreet (IJBGR)
143 | Co-founder of the Ellwanger & Barry Nursery | Ellwanger, George (IGELL)
144 | Co-partner in the Rochester department store Sibley Lindsay & Curr. | Sibley, Rufus Adams (IRASI)
145 | coachman in ESW's household per 1892 NY census | Demoins, Jean (IJDEM)
146 | coachman or stableman for the Watsons | Yates, Walter (IWYA2)
147 | Collaborated with Marius Barbeau, Alexander Gunn & James Sibley Watson on film Nass River Indians. Celebrated Canadian composer. | Macmillan, Sir Ernest Alexander Campbell (IEACM)
148 | Committed suicide after suffering from intense pain due to an eye injury from being hit in the eye with a golf ball. | Watson, Austin Hall (IAHWA)
149 | Companion of Emily Sibley in Heidelberg in 1865 | Müller, Minnie (IMMUL)
150 | Companion of Emily Sibley in Heidelberg in 1865, probably a relative of Minnie Müller | Müller, Mary (IMMU2)