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Matches 451 to 500 of 738

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
451 mentioned in Emily Sibley Watson's 1865 diary Bellson, Miss (IBEL2)
452 mentioned in Emily Sibley Watson's 1865 diary Bassett, Mr. (IBASS)
453 Military Governor of Santiago de Cuba Wood, Leonard (ILWOO)
454 Minister at St. Paul's Church who performed the marriage of Emily Sibley and Isaac Seymour Averell Foote, Rev. Israel (IIFOO)
455 minister from the Netherlands to Russia for more than 20 years; married to daughter of US Senator William Wright Gevers, John Cornelius (IJCGE)
456 Minister or rector at St. John's Episcopal Church North Adams MA 1857-1867 Weeks, Rev. Robert (IRWEK)
457 Minnesota Cyclist winning races in 1892 Johnson, J.S. (IJSJO)
458 Moorish soldier Zophallah (IZOPH)
459 Mother of Charlotte Dodge Devine Dodge, Louise Wolcott (ILWHD)
460 Mother of Charlotte Whitney Allen Whitney, Fanny Palmer (IFPAS)
461 Mother of Dr. Nelson Gorham Russell Russell, Helena Mary Hackett (IHMHR)
462 Mother of Elizabeth Conkey Sibley (Mrs. Rufus A. Sibley); Emily Sibley Watson wrote on 1/28/1893 that “I am sorry Mrs. Conkey is not so well.” Sarah Munger Conkey died on 2/10/1893. Conkey, Sarah Munger (ISMCO)
463 Mother of Elizabeth Tinker Sibley Tinker, Zilpha Knight (IZKTI)
464 Mother of F.G. Ritso Ritso, Anna (IARIT)
465 Mother of Hildegarde Lasell Watson Keeler, Jessie Maud (IJKLA)
466 Mother of John Watkinson Norton Norton, Jane Huntington Watkinson (IJHWN)
467 Mother of Marie Adelaide Devine Devine, Charlotte W. (ICWDD)
468 Mother of Warham Whitney Whitney, Martha Pond (IMLPW)
469 Mother-in-law of Harriet Tinker Tyler Tyler, Amy Arnold Brown (IATYL)
470 Mother-in-law of Margaret Cook Durbin Lyon, Jane Freelove (IJFLH)
471 Mrs. Anthony DePuyt DePuyt, Magdalena (IMDEP)
472 Mrs. Freeman Clarke Clarke, Henrietta Ward (IHJWC)
473 Mrs. James Sibley Watson Jr. Watson, Hildegarde Lasell (IHLWA)
474 Name is also spelled Candace.  Watson, Candice P. (ICWA2)
475 Native American guide James Sibley Watson hired for trip to Parry Sound region in Canada in August 1879 with Will Foote King, William (IWKIN)
476 Native American guide James Sibley Watson hired for trip to Parry Sound region in Canada in August 1879 with Will Foote Assance, Isaiah (IIASS)
477 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (IRTOW)
478 Neighbor & playmate of James Sibley Watson Jr. Taylor, Louise Van Campen (ILCTA)
479 Neighbor of Emily Sibley Watson; second founder of the Rochester Historical Society. Perkins, Carolyn Erickson (ICEPE)
480 Nephew of Elizabeth Sibley Tinker, Catherine Willis Andrews (ICWTI)
481 nephew of Elizabeth Sibley son of Edward R. Tinker married to Catherine W. Tinker; photo in ESW Album 2 p. 22d dated 2/12/1873 Rochester photographer Tinker, Giles Knight (IGKTI)
482 Nephew of Elizabeth Tinker Tinker, Anna Wood (IAWTI)
483 Nephew of Elizabeth Tinker Sibley Tyler, Edward Duty (IETYL)
484 Nephew of Elizabeth Tinker Sibley Tinker, Henry Wilmarth (IHWTI)
485 Nephew of Hiram Sibley Sibley, George H. (IGHSI)
486 New York City female boarding school proprietor Silva, Mme. Da (IDASI)
487 New York City female boarding school proprietor Bradford, Mrs. (IBRAD)
488 New York lawyer Wilmer, William Nivison (IWNWI)
489 Nurse for James Sibley Watson Jr. as a baby Jones, Emily J. (IEJJO)
490 Oldest child of Hiram W. Sibley and Margaret Durbin Harper Sibley Sibley, Margaret Harper (IMHSI)
491 oldest son of St. Paul School's first Rector Henry Augustus Coit and served as a member of the faculty from 1888-1898 Coit, Charles Wheeler (ICWCO)
492 On board the sloop Falcon in 1879 Dawson, Fredrick (IFDAW)
493 On board the sloop Falcon in 1879; active in Chicago yachting circles; last name might be spelled Bussey, in which case he might have been associated with Bussey, McLeod & Co., a Troy, NY Stove manufacturer with factory in Chicago Buscey, E. J. (IEJBU)
494 on of Harriet Seymour Clark Clark, James Averell (IJACL)
495 On sloop Falcon in 1879; owner of W.F. McLaughlin & Co., successful Chicago purveyor of roasted coffee beans. See McLaughlin, William F. (IWFMC)
496 On the sloop Little out of Cedar Key, FL in 1879, may have been associated with the camp at Homosassa, Florida Knapp, Frank (IFKNA)
497 On the sloop Little out of Cedar Key, FL in 1879. May be related to George Giles. Giles, Lou (ILGIL)
498 one of the founding members of Western Union Wade, Jeptha Homer (IJHWA)
499 one of the original board of the Episcopal Church Home also supported by EMTS; died in Algeria? Clarke, George (IGRCL)
500 Opera singer Cary, Annie Louise (IALCA)

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