Matches 501 to 550 of 738
# | Notes | Linked to |
501 | owner of a Rochester investment company Bonbright's | Bonbright, George Dana Boardman (IGDBB)
502 | Owner of Rochester's Kimball tobacco factory | Kimball, William S. (IWSKI)
503 | owner of the Hôtel Impérial Vienna | Frohner, Johann (IJFRO)
504 | Owner of the Island Hotel in Cedar Key, Florida | McIlvaine, Robert Hunter (IRHMC)
505 | Person who introduced Emily Sibley Watson & Isaac Seymour Averell | Burne, Mr. (IBURN)
506 | Pharcellus V. Crittenden was president of Brewster-Crittenden Co., wholesale grocers, and a Rochester civic and business leader. In 1893 he was elected to the board of the Rochester Homeopathic Hospital. Elizabeth Sibley describes the meeting in a 1/23/1893 letter to her daughter. | Crittenden, Pharcellus V. (IPVCR)
507 | physician at Aix-les-Bains | Vidal, Dr. F. (IFVID)
508 | Physician in Aix-les-Bains France | Despine, Baron Claude-Joseph-Constant (ICJCD)
509 | Physician who attended Emily Sibley Watson at Louise Averell's birth | Zürcher, Dr. A. (IAZUE)
510 | Physician who treated Elizabeth Sibley in 1901 | Bissell, Dr. (IBISS)
511 | Physician who treated Louise Atkinson | Foster, Dr. (IFOST)
512 | Physician who wrote to Isaac Seymour Averell after the birth of Louise Averell | Heermann, Charles (ICHEE)
513 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (IEGRA)
514 | Playmate of Emily Sibley | Judd, Minnie (IMJUD)
515 | Playmate of Emily Sibley in Berlin in 1865 | Judd, Eddie (IEJUD)
516 | Playmate of Emily Sibley in Heidelberg in 1865 | Roster, Adele (IAROS)
517 | playmate of Emily Sibley Watson in 1865 | Engal, Fransicka (IFENG)
518 | playmate of Emily Sibley Watson in 1865 | Elesa (IELES)
519 | Playmate of Emily Sibley Watson in Berlin in 1865 | Lange, Frieda (IFLAN)
520 | Playright author of Way Down East which Emily Sibley Watson saw in 1900 in Rochester | Parker, Charlotte Blair (ICBPA)
521 | Poet friend of Hildegarde Lasell Watson | Powys, Llewelyn (ILPOW)
522 | Polo player for the Dedham Polo Club | Forbes, Allan (IAFOR)
523 | polo player on the Rochester Country Club team ca. 1902 | Stearns, Charles H. (ICHST)
524 | Possibly a servant at Emily Sibley Watson's house | Goddard, Ellen E. (IEEGO)
525 | Possibly a servant in Hiram Sibley's house | Anthony (IANTH)
526 | possibly a Sibley family servant | McCullough, Mary (IMMC2)
527 | possibly a Sibley family servant | McConnell, Mary (IMMCC)
528 | possibly Frances Branscombe Ranlet | mother, Mrs. Miner's (IMIN2)
529 | possibly Helen B. Miner Edward G. Miner's wife | Miner, Mrs. (IMINE)
530 | possibly servant accompanying EMTS and Hiram Watson Sibley family in Europe 1891 | Hull, Mary (IMHUL)
531 | President of the Confederated States of America | Davis, Jefferson (IJDAV)
532 | President of the Rochester Trust & Safe Deposit Company | Smith, J. Moreau (IJMSM)
533 | President of University of Rochester 1900-1935 | Rhees, Benjamin Rush (IBRRH)
534 | Prime Minister of Russia during Hiram Sibley's 1864 visit | Gorchakov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich (IAMGO)
535 | Prince of Prussia | Sigismund, Prince of Prussia (ISIGI)
536 | Prince St. neighbor of Emily Sibley Watson. Her children were of playmates of James Sibley Watson Jr. She was a Memorial Art Gallery board member & donor. | Taylor, Annie Brown Spear (IABST)
537 | Prince St. neighbor of ESW. Minister of Rochester's Brick Church | Taylor, William Rivers (IWRTA)
538 | Probably brother of Phebe Wilmarth Tinker and brother-in-law of Edward Richmond Tinker II | Wilmarth, Henry (IHWIL)
539 | probably Fannie Danforth Huntington's prospective mother-in-law | Huntington, Sarah P. (ISPWH)
540 | probably Johan Hampus Furuhjelm, Governor of the Russian American Company at Ayan | Furuhjelm, Governor Johan Hampus (IJHFU)
541 | probably the family of George C. Buell | Buell family (IBUEL)
542 | professor in the Propaganda College of the American College in Rome | Smith, Bernard (IBSMI)
543 | Professor of engineering at Cornell friend of Hiram W. Sibley | Thurston, Prof. Robert Henry (IRHTH)
544 | prominent Buffalo lawyer | Milburn, John George (IJMI3)
545 | proprietor of a dance club location unknown were Emily Sibley Watson met Isaac Seymour Averell | Morey, Mr. (IMORE)
546 | Proprietor of Homosassa during James Sibley Watson's 1879 trip to Florida | Jones, Alfred P. (IAPJO)
547 | proprietor of Hotel Tyrol in Innsbruck Austria | Landsee, Carl (ICLAN)
548 | proprietor of the Grand Union hotel Saratoga Springs NY ca. 1903 | Wooley, W.E. (IWEWO)
549 | proprietor of the Grand Union hotel Saratoga Springs NY ca. 1903 | Gerrans, H.M. (IHMGE)
550 | proprietor of the Hotel Continental in Tangier formerly of a prominent Gibraltar family; | Ansaldo, John (IJANS)