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Matches 501 to 550 of 738

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
501 owner of a Rochester investment company Bonbright's Bonbright, George Dana Boardman (IGDBB)
502 Owner of Rochester's Kimball tobacco factory Kimball, William S. (IWSKI)
503 owner of the Hôtel Impérial Vienna Frohner, Johann (IJFRO)
504 Owner of the Island Hotel in Cedar Key, Florida McIlvaine, Robert Hunter (IRHMC)
505 Person who introduced Emily Sibley Watson & Isaac Seymour Averell Burne, Mr. (IBURN)
506 Pharcellus V. Crittenden was president of Brewster-Crittenden Co., wholesale grocers, and a Rochester civic and business leader. In 1893 he was elected to the board of the Rochester Homeopathic Hospital. Elizabeth Sibley describes the meeting in a 1/23/1893 letter to her daughter. Crittenden, Pharcellus V. (IPVCR)
507 physician at Aix-les-Bains Vidal, Dr. F. (IFVID)
508 Physician in Aix-les-Bains France Despine, Baron Claude-Joseph-Constant (ICJCD)
509 Physician who attended Emily Sibley Watson at Louise Averell's birth Zürcher, Dr. A. (IAZUE)
510 Physician who treated Elizabeth Sibley in 1901 Bissell, Dr. (IBISS)
511 Physician who treated Louise Atkinson Foster, Dr. (IFOST)
512 Physician who wrote to Isaac Seymour Averell after the birth of Louise Averell Heermann, Charles (ICHEE)
513 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (IEGRA)
514 Playmate of Emily Sibley Judd, Minnie (IMJUD)
515 Playmate of Emily Sibley in Berlin in 1865 Judd, Eddie (IEJUD)
516 Playmate of Emily Sibley in Heidelberg in 1865 Roster, Adele (IAROS)
517 playmate of Emily Sibley Watson in 1865 Engal, Fransicka (IFENG)
518 playmate of Emily Sibley Watson in 1865 Elesa (IELES)
519 Playmate of Emily Sibley Watson in Berlin in 1865 Lange, Frieda (IFLAN)
520 Playright author of Way Down East which Emily Sibley Watson saw in 1900 in Rochester Parker, Charlotte Blair (ICBPA)
521 Poet friend of Hildegarde Lasell Watson Powys, Llewelyn (ILPOW)
522 Polo player for the Dedham Polo Club Forbes, Allan (IAFOR)
523 polo player on the Rochester Country Club team ca. 1902 Stearns, Charles H. (ICHST)
524 Possibly a servant at Emily Sibley Watson's house Goddard, Ellen E. (IEEGO)
525 Possibly a servant in Hiram Sibley's house Anthony (IANTH)
526 possibly a Sibley family servant McCullough, Mary (IMMC2)
527 possibly a Sibley family servant McConnell, Mary (IMMCC)
528 possibly Frances Branscombe Ranlet mother, Mrs. Miner's (IMIN2)
529 possibly Helen B. Miner Edward G. Miner's wife Miner, Mrs. (IMINE)
530 possibly servant accompanying EMTS and Hiram Watson Sibley family in Europe 1891 Hull, Mary (IMHUL)
531 President of the Confederated States of America Davis, Jefferson (IJDAV)
532 President of the Rochester Trust & Safe Deposit Company Smith, J. Moreau (IJMSM)
533 President of University of Rochester 1900-1935 Rhees, Benjamin Rush (IBRRH)
534 Prime Minister of Russia during Hiram Sibley's 1864 visit Gorchakov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich (IAMGO)
535 Prince of Prussia Sigismund, Prince of Prussia (ISIGI)
536 Prince St. neighbor of Emily Sibley Watson. Her children were of playmates of James Sibley Watson Jr. She was a Memorial Art Gallery board member & donor. Taylor, Annie Brown Spear (IABST)
537 Prince St. neighbor of ESW. Minister of Rochester's Brick Church Taylor, William Rivers (IWRTA)
538 Probably brother of Phebe Wilmarth Tinker and brother-in-law of Edward Richmond Tinker II Wilmarth, Henry (IHWIL)
539 probably Fannie Danforth Huntington's prospective mother-in-law Huntington, Sarah P. (ISPWH)
540 probably Johan Hampus Furuhjelm, Governor of the Russian American Company at Ayan Furuhjelm, Governor Johan Hampus (IJHFU)
541 probably the family of George C. Buell Buell family (IBUEL)
542 professor in the Propaganda College of the American College in Rome Smith, Bernard (IBSMI)
543 Professor of engineering at Cornell friend of Hiram W. Sibley Thurston, Prof. Robert Henry (IRHTH)
544 prominent Buffalo lawyer Milburn, John George (IJMI3)
545 proprietor of a dance club location unknown were Emily Sibley Watson met Isaac Seymour Averell Morey, Mr. (IMORE)
546 Proprietor of Homosassa during James Sibley Watson's 1879 trip to Florida Jones, Alfred P. (IAPJO)
547 proprietor of Hotel Tyrol in Innsbruck Austria Landsee, Carl (ICLAN)
548 proprietor of the Grand Union hotel Saratoga Springs NY ca. 1903 Wooley, W.E. (IWEWO)
549 proprietor of the Grand Union hotel Saratoga Springs NY ca. 1903 Gerrans, H.M. (IHMGE)
550 proprietor of the Hotel Continental in Tangier formerly of a prominent Gibraltar family; Ansaldo, John (IJANS)

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