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 #   Notes   Linked to 
651 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (IFHGA)
652 Son of the Bashaw or governor of Tetuan Morocco 1891 Kadir, Sidi Mohammed Ben (ISMBK)
653 Son of Urling Sibley Iselin and O'Donnell Iselin Iselin, Peter (IPISE)
654 son of William Rivers Taylor and Annie Brown Spear Taylor Taylor, William James Romeyn (IWJRT)
655 son of William Rivers Taylor and Annie Brown Spear Taylor Taylor, James S. (IJSTA)
656 Son of William Walcott Wadsworth and Emeline Austin Wadsworth of Geneseo NY. Wadsworth, Herbert (IHWAD)
657 son of Williiam Goddard Goddard, William G. (IWGG2)
658 spouse of George Ellwanger mother of George H. Ellwanger Ellwanger, Cornelia Brooks (ICBEL)
659 St. Paul's School class of 1897 classmate of J.G. Averell possibly from Rochester Brainerd, G.G. (IGGBR)
660 St. Paul's School faculty 1874-1911 Drumm, Rev. Thomas James (ITJDR)
661 St. Paul's School student 1890-1893; Harvard class of 1897; address 9 Livingston Park Rochester; occupation: lawyer Buell, Henry Douglas (IHDBU)
662 St. Paul's School student 1891-1895 Harvard class of 1899. From Morris Plains NJ Forbes, Joseph Dunderdale (IJDFO)
663 St. Paul's School student 1892-1895; Harvard class of 1899; from St. Louis MO Tiffany, George Shepley (IGSTI)
664 St. Paul's School student 1893-1895; Harvard class of 1899 Norton, John Watkinson (IJWNO)
665 St. Paul's School student 1893-1895; went on to Hobart College; lived in Watkins, NY Beach, George Cameron (IGCBE)
666 St. Paul's School student 1894-1896; Yale class of 1899; from Bridgeport CT Hawley, Samuel Mills (ISMHA)
667 St. Paul's School student from Gardner Massachusetts Ballard, Seth Haywood (ISHBA)
668 St. Paul's School student from Rochester; son of Rufus Adams Sibley and Martha A. Haven; became an M.D. in Philadelphia Sibley, Edward Rufus (IERSI)
669 steward of the Windsor Hotel NYC Blakely, Andrew S. (IASBL)
670 student 1862-1867) then faculty (1868-1928) at St. Paul's School Knox, James Carter (IJCKN)
671 student and later master at St. Paul's School Concord NH. He returned to St. Paul's 1893 as a master so he would have been known to J. G. Averell. Scudder, Willard (IWSCU)
672 Student at St. Paul's School 1893-95; Yale 99 from Grand Rapids MI Boise, Edward Baldwin (IEBBO)
673 student Elisabeth Sibley sponsored to Oberlin College in 1895 Yukitaka, Ozaki (IYOZA)
674 Sufi Sheik whose tomb Emily Sibley Watson saw in Egypt al-Hajjaj al-Balawi, Abu (IAHAG)
675 tentatively identified as Mrs. Henry T. Williams Ward, Fannie (IFWAR)
676 The English actor whose stage name was Henry Irving Bodribb, John Henry (IJHBO)
677 third wife of Charles Grandison Finney Finney, Rebecca Allen (IRARF)
678 Tinker who founded Tinker Homestead in Henrietta Tinker, James (IJTIN)
679 Tsar of Russia II, Emperor of Russia Alexander (IALII)
680 Tsar of Russia the Great Peter (IPET1)
681 Tutor of James Sibley Watson Jr. during 1909 trip to the Grand Canyon; also collaborators, with Marius Barbeau & Sir Ernest Macmillan, on film Nass River IndiansGunn, Alexander Hastings (IAHGU)
682 U.S. major general during the American Civil War and the Democratic presidential nominee in 1864 McClellan, Major-General George Brinton (IGBMC)
683 Uncle of Hiram Sibley Sibley, Asa (IASI2)
684 University of Rochester alumnus minister writer traveler. Ely, Joseph A. (IJAEL)
685 Unknown individual possibly a servant Blossom (IBLOS)
686 US Secretary of the Navy 1861-1869 Wells, Gideon (IGWEL)
687 Vice-President of Western Union Mumford, George H. (IGHMU)
688 Waiter on the Sesostris 1892-1893 Joseph (IJOSE)
689 Watson, Austin H., of Stamford, Conn., son of Patrick J. and Caroline Lathrop Watson, was born April 24, 1842, at Wilmington.

After attending the public schools he passed his early life about his father's mills, and one year in the army. In 1864 he secured a junior clerkship with the Western Union Telegraph Co., at Rochester, N. Y., and in 1866 was appointed storekeeper in charge of main supply depots of the company at New York. Continued advance in his salary made this an agreeable position, which he retained until he resigned in 1879, to become junior member of the firm of James E. Vail, Jr., & Co., dry goods commission merchants and manufacturers' agents, Worth street, New York. Six years later he purchased Mr. Vail's interest and became senior member of the present firm of Watson, Bull & Co., who have largely extended the business dealings with leading wholesale houses throughout the country. He is also president of the Connecticut Witch Hazel Co., whose production will equal three thousand barrels yearly.

In August, 1862, he enlisted as private in Co. F, 16th Regt. Vt. Vols. Upon the promotion of one of his comrades he became the clerk of the regiment, and was thereby relieved of all equipment and company duty. At Gettysburg he selected one of the many abandoned muskets on the field, and with a handful of cartridges sought out his company at the front, where he remained throughout the battle. His conspicuous bravery was known to all the officers of the regiment, and Colonel Veazey, recognizing that this youth was the only detailed man who voluntarily exposed himself on this sanguinary field, appointed him quartermaster-sergeant of the regiment, the highest honor at his command.

Mr. Watson enjoys the genial, social side of life, and in this way has had many duties to perform connected with various associations.

He was the first treasurer of the well known Apollo Glee Club, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; secretary of the Oxford Club of Brooklyn, 1883 to '85, and of the Telegraphers Mutual Benefit Association, 1876 to '79; a director of Stamford Social Club, 1889 to 1892, and is now its president (1893). He is vice-president of the Forest and Stream Club, of Wilmington, and also a director of the Stamford Yacht Club; he is also president of the Clover Club in New York City.

He was singularly fortunate in his marriage, Oct. 28, 1879, to Julia Brainerd Vail, a very attractive and noble woman, daughter of James Everett and Ridelia Kenyon Vail, of Brooklyn, N. Y., where they resided till 1886, removing thence to Stamford, Conn. Their home, "Oakdale," on the banks of Rippawanna river, while unpretentious, is noted for the cordial, hearty welcome and kindly good cheer extended to all.

Source: Jacob G. Ullery, compiler, Men of Vermont: An Illustrated Biographical History of Vermonters and Sons of Vermont, (Transcript Publishing Company, Brattleboro, VT, 1894), Part III, pp. 166-7. 
Watson, Austin Hall (IAHWA)
690 Wesley Chapel Cemetery, HIlliard, Franklin Country, Ohio, USA Agoston, Tibor (ITAGO)
691 Western Union executive Stager, Anson (IASTA)
692 Western Union receiving clerk Horner, John (IJHOR)
693 Widow of Rochester businessman Alfred Wright Wright, Mary D. (IMDWR)
694 wife of Capt. Charles Steadman Steadman, Mrs. (ISTEA)
695 Wife of Charles Heermann Heermann, E. (IEHEE)
696 wife of Col. Oliver H. Palmer Palmer, Susan Augusta (ISAHP)
697 wife of Edward Richmond Tinker II Tinker, Phebe Wilmarth (IPWTI)
698 Wife of Emmett H. Jennings of the Keeler & Jennings carriage manufacturing company Jennings, Ella Durand (IEDJE)
699 Wife of F.G. Ritso Ritso, Annie (IARI2)
700 Wife of Fletcher Harper Sibley Farr, Georgiana Harding (IGHFS)

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