Tracy Stuber

PhD Student, Visual and Cultural Studies

Education: BA, Binghamton University, Art History and German Studies, 2011


Tracy Stuber is a fifth-year Ph.D student in the Visual and Cultural Studies program and an Andrew W. Mellon Fellow in Digital Humanities.

Her graduate work on modern and contemporary photography examines the locus of activities, attitudes, and expectations at the crux of the analog/digital debate. Focusing particularly on the 1970s, she examines the material conditions of photographic technology and the cultural landscape with which it interacts. Her dissertation explores how photographers in the 1970s responded to artistic uses of the medium in the previous decade by placing themselves in the American landscape.

Recent projects include “Postcards from Uncommon Places,” a paper presentation at the 2016 ACLA Annual Meeting; “Not an Image But a Breakdown: Anne Collier and the Rephotographic Survey Project,” a paper presentation at Media Materiality: Sixth International Conference on the Image, and a talk on the history of photographic appropriation as part of “Found, Shared, Liked,” a symposium at the Visual Studies Workshop in Rochester, NY.