Adelaide Trowbridge Crapsey (1855-1950)

Friends and acquaintances:

Adelaide Trowbridge Crapsey (1855-1950)

Wife of the rector of St. Andrews Church in Rochester, Algernon S. Crapsey, and mother of one of America's most distinguished poets, Adelaide Crapsey. Mrs. Crapsey was a loving friend to Emily Sibley Watson as well as her mother, Elizabeth Sibley.  She was the mother of nine children, as well as being a community organizer alongside her husband.  "She devoted much of her time organizing aid for young mothers, widows, and children, and founded the Adelaide T. Crapsey Co., manufacturers of children's frocks.  The factory was well known as a unique family-type work setting for its employees." The company was supported financially during the Depression by Emily Sibley Watson, among other Rochesterians.