George Ellwanger (1816-1906)

Friends and Acquaintances of Emily Sibley Watson:

Co-founder in 1840 of the Ellwanger & Barry Nursery, George Ellwanger was one of the Flower City's premier nurserymen.  As a prominent local businessman, in his later years he was on the board of Eastman Kodak Co., served as a  trustee for the Flower City Bank, and, with Patrick Barry, financially backed Rochester's first horsecar company. In 1882 he co-founded the Rochester Post-Express, a local newspaper, and in 1883 he was one of several investors in downtown Rochester's new Powers Hotel.  Ellwanger & Barry later gave land for Highland Park and donated the Children's Pavilion there.

George Ellwanger's son George Herman Ellwanger studied abroad with Emily Sibley Watson's brother Hiram Watson Sibley, under the tutelage of Myron G. Peck in the mid-1860s.  

In a letter to her daughter on 12/5/1892, Elizabeth Sibley describes "a grand dinner party" given for Ellwanger's 76th birthday by Carolyn Emerson Perkins.