May 23, 1891
"As the weather still looked dubious in the morning we decided not to go on & Jimmy, taking his gun and two or three of the men, rode off to see what he could find to shoot while I wandered about picking wild flowers and taking Kodaks of the camp & of some pretty Arab children who were prowling about, watching us with big, brown eyes. Jimmy returned about noon with a few birds, and as the weather looked more promising we decided to start after lunch."
"It was great fun to watch the men 'break camp' and pack the mules, and when all was ready the entire caravan was Kodaked."
"Our way led past an old Fondak or resting place for caravans, a very ancient building with a tower, very picturesquely situated in a narrow pass, and interesting historically as being the place where the Moors repulsed the Spaniards once upon a time. My dates are always vague."