May 24, 1891
"We breakfasted this morning under the live oaks and soon after started for Tetuan. After a pleasant ride of about two hours we found ourselves before the walls of the most picturesque city I ever expect to see. On all sides are the beautiful mountains & the city itself, white against the blue sky, surrounded by walls, with parapets and towers and arched gateways bristling with cannon, was like a dream, too wonderful to be true."
"Our camp is again near a Koubba, but this time it is an elaborate structure, looking from a distance like a gate-way, with three arches and a flight of steps leading to the top where the people come to pray."
"We have a fine view of Tetuan & of the mountains and city but no shade, which is rather a pity, but we shall not mind it for a few days."
"Soon after arriving we walked to the City, through the narrow, fascinating streets and to the marketplace. Never have I dreamed of anything so interesting and strange, it was like living in an Arabian nights’ tale. Our Kodaks will describe it much better than I can, I shall not even try to."
"After we left the palace we went through the Ghetto, the most picturesque part of the city shut off from the rest by a gate that is locked at night, with even narrower streets, arched over in many places & houses with latticed windows."